Series Introduction with Dr. Patricia Danyluk


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Welcome to our podcast series, where we delve into the personal journeys of Alberta teachers as they navigate the opportunities and challenges of integrating Indigenous knowledge into their classrooms.

In each of the 10 episodes, we engage directly with educators, listening to their unique experiences, insights, and strategies. From heartfelt anecdotes to practical advice, these conversations offer a rich tapestry of perspectives on the importance of Indigenous education and its impact on students and communities.

Several of the podcasts are complemented by a linked lesson plan created by the teacher, showcasing their successful approaches. These lesson plans provide practical examples and inspiration for educators looking to incorporate Indigenous perspectives into their own teaching practices.

Join us as we explore the transformative power of weaving Indigenous knowledge into the fabric of classroom learning, one story at a time.


From Métis Plants to Classroom Plans - One Teacher's Journey

Series Introduction with
Dr. Patricia Danyluk

Exploring Indigenous Knowledge through the Lens of Broken Promises: An Educator's Experience

Braiding and Weaving Indigenous Knowledge - A Tool for Combatting Anti-Indigenous Racism

The Importance of Making Personal Connections with Indigenous Knowledge: A Music Teacher's Quest

Embracing Indigenous Pedagogy: Lessons from an Educator on a Central Alberta Reserve

Empowering Students Through Indigenous Knowledge Integration

Enseignante engagée pour l'intégration des savoirs autochtones en Alberta

Nature's Classroom: Reimagining Education with Indigenous Perspectives

Lessons on Integrating Indigenous Knowledge into Science Curriculum

Series Conclusion with
Dr. Patricia Danyluk